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Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :put them into a freezer for 9 hours.

The donuts?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :pedobear.jpg


Brazilian law says 14 is game on.

Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :This isn't about porn? I need to read into this more.

Well, my only interests are the women's volley/beach volley and gimnanastics, so I guess it fits quite well with the title.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from broken :I'm just wondering how fast the tyres are wearing out when you do donuts. I guess it's totally up to the tyres. But on stock summer tyres, is it very bad? I mean, say for 10 spins(donuts) at most.

I don't really need details (though I wouldn't mind), I'm just curious - all I need is very rough answer. Say for 10 donuts once every 2 months, will that make any difference on how often you need to change the tyres? Or is it not going to be very significant?

Technically, unlike some people above posted, what really matters is friction. So, say you find a frozen pond (a bit hard during summer, but hey) to spin onto, or a bowling alley waxed real good, then you shouldn't have a problem - with your tires at least.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from TexasLTU :Basketball!

Only because it's the only sport you're good at.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
I see Yann's the reigning champion and current leader in the VW Jetta class of the The Grand Touring Series. Warming up for the Scirocco, I guess?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Hey! Welcome to S2. We might bite a little, but deep down we're a friendly bunch.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Statistically, I don't think anyone in the game has a brain. At least I don't remember seeing brain sprites in the game dds folder.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :This is precisely why Dolan is funny. It has nothing to do wioth the content of the strips.

Then I assume that if I start posting pictures of my cock while ****ing stuffed animals that vaguely resemble 50 year old cartoons, everyone will tolerate it just because I'll be laughing my ass off your shocked reactions?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :Should we do a poll to see if we should ban the dolan pictures in this thread?

Let's say it'll last open 2 weeks, and the do what the people answered.

You can't have a democracy in a place full of retards. Haven't you seen how that's affected America?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from -NightFly- :+1

You are in wrong forums obviously Yuri

I figured that out after all the Dolan crap first surfaced.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Last edited by Yuri Laszlo, .
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Think it was a good move. Whoever is "answering" in that article is pretty laughable.

But guys he promised it, "he must deliver!" Pretty funny.

Curt Cavin is generally a good jourmalist, probably the one who spent the most time and effort investigating Brian Barnhart's mindboggling officiating during the past seasons, tho I agree it would cost too much for already struggling teams if the aero kits were introduced next season.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Do you know it's backing at all? You know... NKP? The physics are the one thing we are certain will be good. Kunos has had his issues but his chances of ruining his physics engine rather than progressing it is slim to none.

I have heard great things about NK Pro, but never played it. If you think that there's no chance of something going wrong with the game engine while adapting it to AC, then I belive you.

Quote :Get out.

Tell me how you think racing at breakneck speeds, with the car jumping with every bump of the road, and the engine overheating with every late gear change, while having the view of your surroundings skewed by a glass screen with a plastic disk for a wheel constitutes fun for you.
Last edited by Yuri Laszlo, .
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Just loaded up LFS, you lied!

But honestly, it has laser scanned tracks (tbh I didn't really care if it did or not but I love that it does), and I really really don't care about the graphics. In the end all I care about is the physics, and I know that's where this will deliver. I also care about those two BMWs that are implemented, which is the main reason I linked to the pictures.

LFS has Rockingham (which I think was laser scanned), only we haven't got it yet.

I'm not sure about the physics. Firstly, because a real simulator is never fun, and I think we've got pretty close to the perfect balance between reality and entertainment with other games. Secondly because there have been very little info posted about that side of the game so far, which in theory is much easier to produce than fluffly retouched renders of obscure cars racing, imho.

For the resources it will consume, it's got the potential to be the most accurate racing sim in history, but I think you'd be setting yourself up for a major disappointment by believing in that.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :

Some more shots.

BTW, make sure to check the last two.

Seriously not impressed by the two monitor ingame images. I know it's in development, but you can achieve that level of detail in other games (laser scanned tracks have been around for a while, even LFS has got one).
Last edited by Yuri Laszlo, .
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from ard50 :I put the start point ahead of the finish point so i dont cross it before checkpoint 1. then the checkpoints are in order. then the finish line. I continued on a second lap and when i crossed the finish line again it did not register the lap time, the clock just keeps running.

On road courses in single player even after you finish the event it will tell you your lap time for each lap after.

I might be wrong here, but I think you need to cross the start/finish line in order to make the laps count. Try moving the starting point before the finish line.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from ard50 :What I'm trying to do is be able to set up a circuit so that i can go directly into the next lap like on a road course (that is how the FSAE endurance event works. 10 laps of an autocross style road course).

Is there any way to do that in LFS?

Yes, we understood that and, like I said, you can do it. The questions asked by PMD could answer why you're not being able to do it. Did your AutoX layout/your demo run follow the steps he posted?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :One must have to wait how she can adapt to the new vision and how she can deal with the situation. I mean it is a heavy cut into your life if you loose a part of your body especially when it means that your senses are influenced by it.

What most people seem to be ignoring is the fact she never showed any signs of being good enough to race in F1 having both eyes, let alone missing one!
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from dennis93 :3. Insure yourself that 2 is after 1 and before 3 (if used)

5. There isn't 4.

4. When it works, feel good!


6 - ????

7 - profit
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :My son (IRL I mean) has just discovered the concept of 'jokes'

No, I don't think he has. Also, where else could he be from if not RL?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from BlakjeKaas :His point is that he probably cheats.

He drove 25 megameters today and only used 23 liters of fuel.

His time on blackwood is 2,5 seconds.

Let's assume he did do 25000 km in one day.
That would mean an average of OVER(!) 1000km/h
Do you see my point? (or his point)

He could have used some tweak tool and set up a practice host for himself, without incurring in any serious cheating, couldn't he?